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Celebrating Women’s Health Week: Empowering Women to Prioritize Wellness

During Women’s Health Week, we recognize and celebrate the importance of women's health and well-being. This week serves as a reminder for women to prioritize their health and make informed decisions about their wellness journey. Our directory provides a wide range of programs and resources to address women's unique needs. From preventive screenings and reproductive health services to mental health support and wellness workshops, our directory also offers comprehensive assistance for women at every stage of life.

Click here to explore programs and resources available for women.

Advocating for ALS Awareness: May Marks ALS Awareness Month

May is designated as ALS Awareness Month, a time dedicated to raising awareness about amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and supporting individuals and families affected by this debilitating neurodegenerative disease. ALS, often referred to as Lou Gehrig's disease, progressively impairs motor function, leading to muscle weakness, paralysis, and ultimately respiratory failure. Despite its devastating impact, there is currently no cure for ALS. Our directory provides programs and resources that address the needs of individuals living with ALS and resources for caregivers and families navigating the challenges associated with the disease.

Click here to explore available options.

Prioritizing Mental Wellness: Mental Health Awareness Month

May is recognized as Mental Health Awareness Month, a time dedicated to shedding light on the importance of mental well-being and fostering conversations around mental health challenges. Our directory has a wealth of programs and resources to address various mental health needs, from counselling services and support groups to mindfulness workshops and crisis hotlines.

Click either of the following links
to find an option that suits your needs: Mental Health - Adult & Senior or Mental Health - Child & Youth.

How to use the Pathways website

How to use the search directory:
Are you looking for community services and programs on our website? We have created a short informational video to help you find resources quickly.

Pathways Medical Care Directory

This new one-stop online directory has been created for British Columbians to easily find latest clinic updates and booking information for their own doctor. For patients who do not have a doctor, helps patients find local options to connect to care. Click Here to find out more.

Pathways does not provide medical advice. If you have an emergency please call 9-1-1. If you require assistance navigating services please call 8-1-1.

For general inquiries or for assistance, please email us:

If you are requesting clinical access to medical Pathways, please provide the following information via the email above:

  1. First Name
  2. Last Name
  3. Email
  4. In which city/town do you work?
  5. What is your role? E.g. Family Physician, Office Staff, Medical Resident
  6. Employer Name (for office staff)
  7. Office Phone

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